
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The 7 Deadly Investment Sins

  1. Believing that you have to predict the market’s next move to make big gains
  2. The “Guru” belief: if I can’t predict the market, there’s someone somewhere who can – all I need to do is find him.
  3. Believing that “inside information” is the way to make really big money.
  4. Diversifying
  5. believing that you have to take big risks to make big profits
  6. the “system” belief: someone, somewhere has developed a system – some arcane refinement of technical analysis, fundamental analysis, computerized trading, Gann triangles, or even astrology – that will guarantee investment profits.
  7. believing that you know what the future will bring - and being certain that the market must inevitably prove you right.

Source: The winning investment habits of Warren Buffett & George Soros By Mark Tier